Script of video: Patrol Sergeant Jeffrey Norman has been a Winnipeg Police officer for 22 years — and has a lengthy history of abusing his power and getting away with it. Since 2005, he has been sued at least eight times. These lawsuits included accusations of excessive force, wrongful arrest and destruction of video and photographic evidence.
Norman faced several allegations of misconduct during his career with the Los Angeles Police Department in the 1990s. In 2012, Norman was sued for Tasering a cook in a parking lot without provocation, resulting in the victim’s loss of control over his fingers and a permanent numbness to the left side of his body. Last April, Norman pepper sprayed and arrested a cyclist who had merely asked him to turn down the high beams on his patrol car in a residential area. Most recently, Norman - while off-duty - beat an Indigenous teenager unconscious with a baton prior to arresting him for alleged theft. The Winnipeg Police failed to disclose this incident to the Independent Investigations Unit (IIU).
His punishment? Getting promoted, receiving a pay raise — and facing no professional consequences for his repeated violence.
We are calling for the immediate firing and prosecution of Patrol Sergeant Jeffrey Norman - and for political leaders at all levels of government to support this demand. Norman is not simply a “bad apple” - he is a textbook example of how police cause harm through abuse, harassment, cover ups and theft of public resources for the things that we know actually keep people safe. The Winnipeg Police are unreformable and must be defunded and dismantled - starting with the firing of Jeffrey Norman.